Showing all 6 results

Ship Traffic Control
Ship Traffic Control Solutions Coordinated, Global Approach Fully connected maritime traffic control and tools for coordinated monitoring and decision support among relevant stakeholders LEADING THE PROGRESS IN GLOBAL SHIP TRAFFIC CONTROL Ship Traffic Control Solutions, with the support of automated self-learning decision support technologies, make it possible to operate … Continued

Admiralty Digital Publications

Admiralty Vector Chart Services

Internet on board
VMSC has recently boosted the internet on board solution by using of near-shore connections for data-hungry applications like software updates, ECDIS, remote management, VoIP, crew communication, data acquisition, video conf. SHIPZNET is our partner and provide a great solution with Shipznet radome which has … Continued

INTERTANKO Guide to the Vetting Process, 12th Edition
INTERTANKO recommends that this revised and expanded 12th edition is a MUST onboard each vessel and in every shore office to assist tanker crews and personnel ashore to better understand, and to be better prepared, for vetting inspections.

ISGOTT, 5th Edition
ISGOTT, 5th Edition International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals ISGOTT was first published in 1978 and combined the contents of the ‘Tanker Safety Guide (Petroleum)’, published by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), and the ‘International Oil Tanker … Continued